Spreading configuration to roles

A Service application specification includes a config section, intended to configure all aspects of a service when the parameters are set on deployment.

We call the process of computing role configuration based on service configuration the spread of the service.

Defining how the spread has to proceed can be easily accomplished when specifying a role. There are three main aspects to take care of: scale, resilience and the parameter/resource configuration.

Setting resilience based on the values of parameters set on deployment can be done quite easily:

role: myrole: config: resilience: description.config.parameter.maxfailures

In this straightforward example, we simply use the value of parameter maxfailures directly.

Fixing the rest of the configuration for the component behind a role is readily accomplished too:

role: myrole: artifact: myComponentManifest
role: myrole: config: {
  parameter: color: description.config.parameter.background

This simple example shows how to spread the background parameter of the service to a hypothetical color parameter of the artifact implementing myrole.

Using CUE’s expressiveness and built-in packages, an integrator can use more complex logic to encode more powerful transformations.

Like the above, the scale can also be spread easily. In the case of a component role, only the hsize field of scale is mandatory, although the qos field may be conveniently set so that the component spec logic can compute parameters for its various sizes.